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Hyattsville: (301) 322-7777

District Heights: (301) 735-5775

Faster Sciatica Healing with Chiropractic Therapy

Hyattsville, District Heights Sciatica Healing with Chiropractic

In our Hyattsville, District Heights office, it isn't uncommon for us to see patients suffering with sciatic nerve pain, and Dr. Aazami has helped many of them heal with chiropractic therapy. What makes chiropractic care so helpful to those who suffer with sciatica issues? First, it shortens their healing time and a Norwegian research study confirms it.

Research Supports Chiropractic Care Helps With Sciatica Pain

In the article, which took place in a Norwegian hospital's orthopedic department, researchers looked at 44 patients who reported sudden low back pain that was diagnosed as acute sciatica. The individuals were all treated by a chiropractor, with the mean follow-up being two years after treatment.

The authors discovered that all but two patients returned to work after receiving chiropractic care, which is a 95% success rate. Moreover, the average period of time that the patients spent off work "was reduced by two thirds as compared with that associated with conventional medical treatment."

Given the fact that the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that over 170,000 workdays were missed in 2013 due to employees dealing with back or spine-related issues, that is about 112,500 work days that could potentially be recovered each and every year solely by receiving chiropractic care. Not only could that increase work productivity, but it might also decrease costs to businesses and employees from lost work.

We Can Help People Find Relief From Sciatica Problems

If you live in Hyattsville, District Heights and you suffer from sciatica, Dr. Aazami is here to assist. Give us a call at (301) 322-7777 and we'll work with you to find the root cause of your sciatic pain and get you back on the road to health.

Orlin JR, Didriksen A. Results of chiropractic treatment of lumbopelvic fixation in 44 patients admitted to an orthopedic department. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 2007;30(2):135-139.

December 04, 2023
chiropractor near me

Dr. Aazami

Total Health Family Clinic in Hyattsville & District Heights, MD provides quality chiropractic to patients through the expertise of Dr. Ashkan Aazami.